Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Of Christmases past

The Day is almost upon me and once again I'm not as organised as I'd like. Poor Miss B has been sick for two days and is beside herself that she'll be sick for Christmas.

Miss B 's worries got me thinking about some of the Christmas disasters we've had over the years. Looking back is always good for a laugh, but at the time it really did seem overwhelming. Here are just a couple of the standouts.

Waking up Christmas morning to  find two children with chickenpox ( I'm sure that wasn't on my wish list). Did you know that you can use a paste made of baking soda and water to help stop the itching? And soaking in a bath with a cup full of baking soda is soothing too. This is a life saver when every chemist/drug store is closed. Yes we live in a place where EVERYTHING is closed on Christmas.

Travelling to our wonderful friend's house for a much anticipated Christmas luau-themed celebration, only to have one of our Misses, who will remain nameless, throw such a tantrum (loud and prolonged) that we had to leave. I did feel quite sorry for myself as I sat down to my Christmas dinner of toast that night.

But the worst by far... heading off to the family gathering only to realise, due to some communication problem (that would be The Bloke not listening!) no-one had bought his mother present. Eek!

Whenever I remember that awful moment of realisation, I know it won't get worse than that (was that me tempting fate there?)

So onwards and upwards, to Christmas and beyond...

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