Showing posts with label #secondhand #treasures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #secondhand #treasures. Show all posts

Sunday, 25 September 2016

How to have the finer things in life on a budget

When living life on a budget, maintaining a lifestyle to which I'd like to be accustomed can be challenging.  This is where thrift or vintage shopping comes into its own.

When I think of a luxury lifestyle, the first word that comes to mind is quality. But modern day quality is expensive. Luckily for us the quality things from days gone are not.

The things of yesteryear were made to last, and last they have. Can you imagine some of the items we purchase now days being bought second hand by someone in 30, 40, or 50 years time?
We live in this throw away society where everything can be replaced easily, and nothing seems to be repairable.

In the last century, when things could not be replaced and were held precious, they were taken care of. Does anyone remember Sunday best? The clothes you were only allowed to wear on Sunday, so you looked your best. Or having a regular dinner set for everyday dining, and one for guests, family celebrations, and Christmas.

Today items made with a similar quality to the last century are expensive. And with good reason. They are made with better materials, often by craftsmen and women who earn a decent wage (deservedly). But they are also often outside the family budget with all the expenses of living in a modern world.

How to get that same quality lifestyle; lovely things for your home, exclusive pieces of jewelry, or just the plain totally unique stuff? Thrift shopping!

Whether you are looking to live a vintage lifestyle, or simply enjoy the finer things in life on a budget, thrift shopping is for you. I know some people are appalled at the thought of using things others have used, but I love to hold a teacup,

or a set of pearl and diamante earrings,

and wonder about their previous owner. Where did they come from? How did they live? What did they think? Although I'll never know the answers to these wonderings, it still sparks my imagination and I feel privileged to be the current owner.

So next time you really really want a beautiful new table setting or a piece of original art no-one else has, grab a few dollars and head out on the hunt. You never know what treasure you'll find.

Maybe a set of beautiful gold leaf embellied dinner plates,

Or a cut glass candlestick holder,

Or a glass-domed cake plate.

What second hand, vintage or thrift treasures have you found? Leave a comment below.


Saturday, 17 September 2016

Treasure hunting

The best part of thrift shopping, or charity shopping? It's the adventure of hunting for treasure. The thrill of finding something fabulous among the detritus of chipped china, stained linen, and tin jewelry. Something everyone else has overlooked. Something no-one else has. Something that makes you smile when you see it. Quirky, vintage, or just plain odd.

I've loved thrift shopping since I was in high school. In our throw-away society I'm constantly amazed at what people toss out, or (hopefully) donate.

I frequent charity and second hand shops, auction sites, and even the dump. I know that sounds terrible, but people throw away perfectly good stuff! I scored a wheel barrow and a hedge trimmer, and would have had a cane lounge chair, but The Bloke wouldn't let me climb down into the pit to retrieve it! I still think longingly of that lounge chair and how good it would have looked on the deck :(.

I've seen people throw away furniture that just needed a sand and a lick of paint, curtains, books, kitchenware, plants, oh the waste. My thrifty Irish soul is mortified.

In local charity shops I've found original art works, vintage china, vintage day gloves, crystal teardrop earrings, table linen, clothes, shoes, costumes, hats, books, furniture, cutlery, Christmas decorations, and even a family bible.

Over the next few weeks I'll be blogging about the treasures I've found. Here's a little taste. This quirky little tea-set was found last week in the local charity shop for the grand total of $8.
