Monday, 21 July 2014

Baking is fun

I love to bake. I'm not always a success at it, sometimes the kids just look at my offering and say "no thanks Mum" while backing away, that's a sure sign it's bin filler! Still, 'never give up, never surrender', is my baking motto. A few days ago, I felt the baking frenzy descend. It was kind of late, so I wanted something simple to make. Consulting my trusty Donna Hay Modern Classics vol 2 baking book, I whipped up a batch of ANZAC biscuits. ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) is an acronym from WWI. The ANZAC's and ANZAC day are hugely important in New Zealand (NZ) and Australian culture. If you want to find out why check out this link ANZAC day . ANZAC biscuits were used to raise money for the war effort and have been a New Zealand baker's staple ever since, for the full story click here . The basic biscuit is made of flour, rolled oats, sugar, coconut, baking soda, golden syrup and butter. The result is a delicious, slightly gooey golden mouthful of buttery goodness (unless you get distracted and leave them in the oven a shade too long, in which case they are hard as rock and need to be dunked in hot tea to be edible!). Find the recipe here and feel free to ad lib, raisins, chocolate chips, nuts, etc.

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