Wednesday, 30 July 2014


I've always been a cup-half-full kind of girl. I realise this can be quite as annoying as those who always predict the worst. So if you find positivism a strain you might want to skip this post.

I'm at home still sick. That is not a positive, although it's good to know my immune response is in top gear fighting off those little pathogens.

While a pounding headache is not fun, I'm grateful for paracetamol - God bless it.
And Barkers lemon, ginger, and honey cordial makes the town water taste almost palatable, so I'm grateful for that too.

I've managed to read and despite the situation have enjoyed Ilona Andrews Kate Daniels books so am very grateful for the Auckland public library digital section. What luxury to be able to download a book right from the library without needing to leave the sick bed!

How I love modern life with all its digital files, pain killers, and antibiotics. Now back to coughing up some lung tissue.

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