Friday, 1 August 2014

A few of my favorite things

While you're at home not doing terribly much, you start to look at things more closely.  I think the pressure of time is directly related to the volume of things that need to be done in that time. Once the volume dwindles (like when you're on holiday or sick) the expanse of time grows proportionately. That's when you find yourself noticing things more than you might have for some time.

As I looked around today I noticed some of the items I really like, here are a few of them.

My Grandmother's teacup set.

I love this little set. I love the tiny roses and leaves. I love that the pattern covers the inside of the cup so as you bring it to your lips for a sip, you still see the floral design. I love the delicate feel of the cup and saucer. Most of all, I love that my lips touch the same place my grandmothers lips touched, as if sending me a kiss across all the years. She died before I was  born, so we have never met, but I think of her every time I have my tea.

Miss A's artistic endeavours.

Miss A's art is all over the house. These sunflowers are one of my favourites.Happy colourful
bright blooms.

A bowl full of lemons

What is not to love about a bowl of lemons? They smell divine. They look gorgeous but simple. You can grab one and throw is in the dinner, grate one into dessert, or squeeze one with some honey and hot water to soothe a sore throat.
The lovely wooden bowl is one of the forgotten treasures I found when clearing out the storage shed. A good wash and a few coats of food-grade oil later and it's perfect.
It's also the name of a great blog about organising and decorating your home. Read it at a bowl full of lemons.

Evil Child drinking chocolate

Despite the ominous name this chocolate drink is heavenly. The canister is retro pink and just too cool to be put away in the cupboard. It's gluten free and pretty environmentally friendly too... maybe not so evil after all?

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