Wednesday, 20 August 2014

For the love of Button

At Easter our family expanded to include a little (and I mean tiny) bundle of fluff who we named Button.  She is a Sydney Silky with a bit of Bichon and a dab of poodle. The result is a cute (as a button) fluffy, tail-wagging, shoe-chewing, ball of enthusiastic energy.

When button wags her tail, the whole lower half gets right into the action. Nothing can be left lying within her reach. So far we have lost 3 pairs of shoes, a set of iPod ear phones, innumerable pairs of underwear ( the kids ones I try not to leave mine lying about!), and, well lets just say the devastation has been trying at times.

Button is thrilled to see me every time I appear, whether I've been gone all day, or 5 minutes. I read a facebook post saying all parents of teenagers should have a dog so that someone will be glad to see them...and it's true.

Yesterday Button had to go to the vet for desexing. She has not coped well and has been miserable all day. Not a bark, not a tail wag, just big sad eyes watching me. She's hardly moved and I have been so worried about her.

It is amazing how a dog can become so much a part of your life that you don't want to think what it would be like without them.

Button will be fine, and desexing your dog dramatically lowers their risk of certain types of cancer, so I know it is in her best interests. But it's hard to watch a loved one be so uncomfortable.

Here's to a quick recovery and return to her funny delightful little self.

A happier Button

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