For some reason, after the success of clearing out Miss A's room, I envisioned a similar experience in Miss B's space. But that would just be too easy wouldn't it?
Miss B is known in the family as our little rat baby. Not because she has a love of cheese either. No, Miss B likes to gather her possessions around her and burrow down into the mess. She has inherited her father's hoarder gene, and loathes throwing out or passing on anything.
So it was fairly foolish to take on her room while she was still in the house. She has an answer and a plan for everything in her room.
It goes a bit like this,
"B, why do you have a draw full of empty toilet rolls?"
"No mum don't throw those out, I need them"
"B, why is there a pile of rocks in the corner here?"
"Mum, leave them there, I need those rocks"
"B, this doesn't fit you anymore"
"No mum no, that's my most favourite dress in the whole world!"
and on it went.
Every move I made was countered. Every item I removed from her room made its way back in. A few hours in it became clear that I was wasting my time and energy.
I'll need a different plan to deal with Miss B's room. If you have any suggestions, please leave a comment.
Meanwhile, I arrived at work today to this stunning view. It's not a bad view is it?
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