Thursday 20 November 2014

Home again

Well, I've actually been home for a few weeks now. But time did that funny thing, where one day it's October and the next day it's almost Christmas. I just lost a month and don't even know where it went.

Of course being nearly Christmas is no hardship because I am a girl who loves that Merry Season.

But before we plunge headlong into the Christmas spirit, let me tell you a bit about Spain.

It was everything I had dreamed it would be...

October was a great month to go. The bulk of the tourists come in Aug and Sept, so things are a little less busy.

The weather was fine and sunny with an occasional thunder storm to keep it fresh. I missed a heat wave up to 35° C the week before I arrived.

I ate fantastic food and drank smooth as silk red wine.

Swam in the Mediterranean sea

Toured 10th century Arabian baths

Visited a 13th century cathedral and more churches than I can recall

Celebrated with the locals at the Binisalem wine festival.

Climbed mountain tracks and wondered streets that have been walked by other people just like me for hundreds of years.

And of course had long reminiscences with my friend of 30 years.


                                                  Now lets get stuck into Christmas...

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