Tuesday 19 August 2014

Vegetable garden

The rain stayed away for a bit this weekend, so I decided to tackle some of the embarrassingly weed-ridden garden.

This garden sits just outside the kitchen window and would be perfect as a vege garden.

I spend the first day digging out the old roses and have a few scars to show for it.
Next the vast array of weeds had to exit. Strangely Miss A and Miss B weren't keen to participate in the weed pulling, but Button thought is was a grest idea and enthusiastically applied herself to the task.

A field trip to Bunnings found us choosing  seedlings for the newly weed-free space. Miss B was keen to help choose which ones we would grow.

The next day a final weeding before planting the new vegetables.

Luckily the soil is good where we live so hopefully, if the snails don't massacre them, we should have some ready by Spring.


Button helping

Almost done


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