Sunday 20 July 2014

157 days til Christmas

I love Christmas. I love everything about Christmas. The planning, the decorating, the tree, the baking, making gifts, sending cards, wrapping presents, Christmas carols, everything. It's a little different here in the southern hemisphere, where Christmas is at the beginning of summer, but the anticipation and preparation is no less than in the north.
One of the things I love is making decorations. I make simple things that Miss A and Miss B can help with (and because I love the look of homemade decorations).

Last year we had a red and white theme, we bought a bunch of red felt and stripped ribbon from our local haberdashery Ikes emporium,  them Miss B and I cut out felt hearts to hang on the tree, and wound the ribbon around tiny polystyrene rings. See our results below.

Next I bought some fabric scraps from Spotlight ( solid red, red and white gingham, and white with red reindeer). A friend found a ring of fine metal on the road and gave it to me. Miss A took the fabric and ring and created this...

Bring on Christmas 2014.

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