Sunday 27 July 2014

The Bloke's birthday dinner

It's The Bloke's birthday. What he really really wants is a bbq and a few drinks around the tiki bar. That would be fine if we lived in the USA or England, but in NZ, it's winter...and raining again! So it was an indoor buffet instead. Still I think he enjoyed his celebration, surrounded by all his progeny. Roast pork with crackling, roasted red beet and orange salad, potato gratin, green buttered peas, so good. I made the mochaccino cake which was a hit, and set up a pinterest-inspired icecream sundae bar. Everyone left sated. It was a lovely evening.

                                           Red beet and orange salad

                                          Potato gratin

                                          Mochaccino birthday cake

                                          Icecream sundae bar

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