Thursday 17 July 2014

Small beauties

Sometimes days just seem to roll into the next one, and before you can blink days, weeks, even months have slipped by without you noticing. One of the reasons I started writing this blog was to focus my attention on the little details of life that remind us of the beauty and joyfulness to be found even on the dullest of days. Yesterday as I walked from the bus (saving the environment) to work, I looked up at the still dark sky, it was a wonderful ombre from deepest black to dark navy to deep blue, and all the way through to cornflower where the sun was coming up. The treasure is that you only have few moments to notice and wonder in awe at our world's beauty, then the light changes and that moment of perfection is gone forever. Make sure you take a moment to admire all the small beauties each day offers up.

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