Tuesday 22 July 2014

A day to get through

It's one of those days that sends more challenges than a girl really feels like dealing with. It started with a toilet training accident by the puppy.

Good thing she's cute as a button!

Not a great beginning. Then came a call from the furniture shop to say our new sofa isn't available in the fabric I chose.
 Next it rained while I was walking with my daughter's class to swimming lessons. But to top off the day, after I had driven to an appointment in the city centre, I got a call from the school to advise my beautiful Miss A had gone this...
This placed every other problem into insignificance. There is nothing worse than knowing your child is hurt and you just can't get to them fast enough.  I motored back to the school scooped up my precious child and rushed off to the dentist who was able to glue the tooth back into place as a temporary fix. I think I was more  upset than she was.
Let's hope tomorrow is a calmer day.

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