Monday 14 July 2014

Planning Eden

Monday morning, always an effort to lever myself out of bed to join the throng of commuters. Eight hours later and I'm back home. Making the most of the fine, crisp, late afternoon, the whole family went off to the beach for our daily constitutional.

This is the beach today.

The things I like about wintery days, felt cloches, woollen beanies, leather gloves, scarfs so thick they imped neck movement, slow cooked casseroles, mulled wine, steamed puddings...the list goes on. The things I don't like,  wet feet and my garden. There is something depressing about my garden in winter. Actually it's not much better in the summer. Every year I swear this will be the year I take it in hand and without experience or expense miraculously create Eden. Needless to say it's still a work in progress!
When I think about my dream garden, the words 'lush', 'colour riot', and 'magical' are what comes to mind. It doesn't help that The Bloke and I can't decide on a design. This weekend  we visited the local garden centre and found the following inspiration.


now back to planning Eden.

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